misinformation given me over several years"

and demoralising this pain has been for me"

we wondered if she would ever be able to
sit or lie down again...
you have literally given her life back"

Our ‘one stop’ spine clinic in Cheltenham is a unique service offered by Mr Caspar Aylott, Consultant Spine Specialist and Orthopeadic surgeon. In one visit you will have a diagnosis and treatment plan for your back pain, neck pain and spinal problems.
In 2 hours Mr Aylott will:
All appropriate treatment options will be discussed. This may include conservative treatments such as exercise and physiotherapy, injections or surgery.
We work closely with the best physiotherapists, osteopaths and chiropractors locally.
All treatments are available including spine injections, minimally invasive and even day case spine surgery.
By the end of your appointment I guarantee that you will understand what’s causing your back pain or neck pain and have a clear plan of action.
B.Eng(Hons), MB ChB, MRCS, FRCS (Tr Orth), DM
Mr Caspar Aylott leads the spine clinic in Cheltenham. He is an orthopaedic surgeon and spine specialist uniquely dual qualified in the UK with a degree in both Mechanical and Materials Engineering (Nottingham University 1993) and as a Doctor (Leicester Medical School 1998). He completed higher surgical training in Bristol achieving FRCS Trauma and Orthopaedics in 2008.